Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Sakai Development: Post Four

Time to do some work sorting out the problems. It's fairly clear that at least some of them stem from difficulties with the sakai.properties file, which seems to have been ignored during compilation: hence the title for the page of "LocalSakaiName : Gateway : Welcome" rather than what I set in the properties file. Unfortunately, this suggests that another re-compilation will need to be carried out. So the first investigation is to try and work out why the properties file was ignored. In fact, this looks to be fairly simple, and is due to a mis-reading of the installation instructions. I assumed that a sakai.properties file should reside in the directory where the sample properties files are kept, and then copied to $CATALINA_HOME/sakai after the installation is complete. In fact, I should have started by creating the sakai directory and putting the file in it before beginning the compilation. So here we go again...

OK, forty five minutes later, we have recreated Sakai. Unfortunately, putting the file in the sakai directory makes absolutely no difference to the web page which is seen at the end of the process. However, touching the file

$ touch /usr/local/tomcat/sakai/sakai.properties

(which changes its last update time to the present), then stopping and starting tomcat fixes the name of the web page. In the process, I learn that restarting Sakai takes a very long time - it's a couple of minutes before it becomes available again through apache and tomcat. Hopefully, though, we can continue to fix problems in this way. The first issue to fix is the location of the stylesheet, which is in the page as a relative link "/portal/styles/portalstyles.css" when it should be "/sakai/portal/styles/portalstyles.css". Clearly, the value put in the sakai.properties file for portalPath, which I expected to sort this out, is not having the intended purpose. So I'll need to experiment.

Changing skin.repo to /sakai/library/skin means that the stylesheet is found, and the page suddenly looks like a modern web page rather than a relic from 1994. There are still missing graphics, so I went back to the properties file and changed every URL to add /sakai at the beginning - with the result that just about everything was found OK. On the main page, the following still are wrong: /portal/styles/portalstyles.css/library/js/headscripts.js/library/js/jquery.js, portal/styles/images/transMin.png/portal/site/!gateway/page/!gateway-200 (and the same, ending 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700), /library/image/transparent.gif/library/editor/FCKeditor/fckeditor.js and /library/editor/fckeditor.launch.js. The most serious consequence of this is that all the links down the left hand side, which seem to be the main navigation routes, are broken. Searching the various pieces of documentation for "gateway" does not find anything helpful.

This means that it's probably time to rethink my methodology here. I want to host several applications (and some stand-alone web pages) on this virtual machine. I can't without considerable effort (in getting institutional firewall rules changed) have web services accessible on ports other than 80 and 443, so forwarding based on port number is not an option. This leaves either the use of multiple VMs, which seems a little wasteful, or the use of URL prefixes such as /sakai to distinguish between the applications on the machine. But if Sakai is unwilling to play nicely with others, this is going to be difficult to do, especially as I already know that one of the other applications I want to use (EPrints) has been prone to do likewise in past releases, with an installation process which overwrites and hijacks the global web server configuration. So the question is, can I do something clever in the apache proxy configuration which will sort things out so I can just have / go to Sakai, but have other configurations which deal with (say) /html or /eprints before the global forwarding rule is reached? It's not something I've ever needed to do before, but it is clear from apache's documentation that the sensible processing method is used: rules are checked in the order they appear in the configuration file. The static pages will also need to be handled differently, however. (It might be possible to effectively host them on Sakai, though.) The use of proxying will become complicated if I end up installing a second application which uses tomcat, though I could probably cope by adding a new listener to the tomcat configuration and sending the proxy to that. In the end, this is all sounding like a good idea, so I need to check out the apache configuration again. And think about how best to do it.

(After some thought, and browsing to find possible solutions...)

It turns out that there are various apache modules which are touted online as methods to solve this problem - mod_html_proxy, mod_substitute, and mod_rewrite. Not all of them seem to work in this situation, and there are issues (they are not keen to change "/" to "/sakai/" globally, especially). In the end, the approach which worked was this. First, enable mod_substitute by creating a link in /etc/apache-2/mods-enabled to the appropriate file in /etc/apache2/mods-available:

$ cd /etc/apache2/mods-enabled
$ ln -s ../mods-available/substitute.load .

Then configure it. In the apache configuration, replace the previous proxy configuration with:

ProxyPass /sakai/ ajp://localhost:8009/
ProxyHTMLURLMap /sakai/ ajp://localhost:8009/
ProxyPassReverse  http://localhost:8009/ /sakai/
AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE text/html
Substitute s#([^i])/portal/tool/#$1/sakai/portal/tool/#i
Substitute s#([^i])/portal/#$1/sakai/portal/#i
Substitute s#([^i])/library/#$1/sakai/library/#i
Substitute s#([^i])/access/#$1/sakai/access/#i

The rules basically pub /sakai/ before the three prefixes for sakai URLs unless they already follow /sakai (in a slightly simple-minded way, but I can make the rules more sophisticated later if it turns out to be necessary). The extra rule for /portal/tool turns out to be needed, because the URLs aren't correctly handled by apache otherwise, for some reason. It should be noted that because apache now runs through every http response it proxies from tomcat to find instances of these URLs, a performance hit will have to be taken, which may make these changes inappropriate in a production environment - though it should be possible to run a production environment on a server of its own or at least in a separate apache virtual host with its own domain name anyway.

Restart apache.

$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload

Then undo all the changes to sakai.properties which added /sakai to the beginning of URLs, and restart tomcat. And we have:

And now it is possible to register as a user, and start getting something useful done.